Thursday 25 September 2014

Double Fred Guitar

i need a lot of practice if i want to use this guitar.

Only me and her

we cannot be apart... we love each other.....we mean to be....we always argue... she always mad at me but i never mad her cause i love her deep in my heart... but, we already engaged.. hehe. just waiting for our marry.

Bass Guitar

Try this out, my previous guitar... not too heavy and it really mean to me. playing the bass guitar is more easier that playing the electric guitar.

Me and my motorcycle

i have a motorcycle that i have bought using my own money, so that i have use it during i study at uitm arau, perlis...

Play it sensation, play the guitar

i have a fun hobby which is playing the guitar. i have learn to play the guitar since i am 15 years old. if anyone that have the same hobby as me. we should make a band...

First day i am a blogger

alright, i dont how to make a blog but i was forced to make it... but it is fun by having my own blog...